Definitions Of IDBI Net Banking
  • 'Bank' refers to IDBI, a banking company incorporated in india under the companies act 1956 and having its registered office at chaturvedi mansion, 2nd floor, 26/4, old palasia, a.b. Road, indore 452 001. The term includes the successors and assigns of IDBI
  • Internet Banking is the trade name of the Bank's Internet Banking service which provides access through the internet to account information, account transaction, other products and services as advised by the Bank from time to time to the Bank's customers
  • Internet Banking account refers to the user's Savings and/ or Current Account and/ or Fixed Deposit account and/or any other type of account so designated by the Bank to be eligible account(s) for operations through the use of Internet Banking. One of these accounts will be designated as primary account. All other accounts (if any) of the user will be called secondary account(s). The user should be either the account holder and sole signatory or authorised to act alone when there is more than one signatory. An account in the name of a minor or an account in which a minor is a joint account holder, is not eligible to be an Internet Banking account
  • User refers to a customer of the Bank or any person authorized to use Internet Banking by the Bank
  • Personal information refers to the information about the user obtained by the Bank in connection with the Internet Banking service or for any other services
  • Terms refer to terms and conditions for use of Internet Banking as specified in this document
  • In this document, all references to the user being referred in masculine gender will also include the feminine gender

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