- The Bank shall endeavour to
provide to the user through Internet Banking, services such as enquiry
about the balance in his Internet Banking account(s), details about
transactions, statement of account, request for issue of cheque-books,
request for transfer of funds between accounts of the same user, from
user's account to another person's account, bill payment and such other
facilities as the Bank may decide to provide from time to time.These
facilities shall be offered in a phased manner at the discretion of the
Bank. The Bank may also make additions/ deletions to the services
offered through Internet Banking at its sole discretion. The availability/
non-availability of a particular service shall be advised through email,
web page of the Bank or written communication
- The Bank shall take
reasonable care to, ensure the security of and prevent unauthorised
access to the Internet Banking service using technology reasonably
available to the Bank
- The user shall not use or
permit to use Internet Banking or any related service for any illegal or
improper purposes